Q: Is there a list or could you recommend some mid-Atlantic angel investors/funds?
A: (Brad) The Mid-Atlantic Venture Association has a good list.
by Brad Feld
Q: Is there a list or could you recommend some mid-Atlantic angel investors/funds? A: (Brad) The Mid-Atlantic Venture Association has a good list.
Q: Is there a list or could you recommend some mid-Atlantic angel investors/funds?
A: (Brad) The Mid-Atlantic Venture Association has a good list.
For those of you VCs following along at home, Paul Kedrosky has just published his Top 10 Limited Partner Lies. It nicely complements Paul’s Top 10 VC Lies. I see a future for Paul on The Letterman Show.
Q: Everyone tells me the way to approach a venture capitalist I don’t know is through a friendly introduction from someone who already knows that VC. But what happens if I don’t have the connections to get that introduction? Am I screwed? A: (Chris) Every entrepreneur who has raised venture capital has heard it a […]
Question: Please describe a typical day of a venture capitalist. (Brad) The short answer is that I don’t have one. However, I’m sure that’s not very satisfying, especially for those of you out there with voyeristic tenancies. So – I’ll use Monday as a typical day. In the spirit of 24, I’ll leave out the […]
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