We’ve written plenty in the past about choice of entities and which ones might make sense for your particular business, but today we found a cool chart that really summarizes nicely.
We’ve written plenty in the past about choice of entities and which ones might make sense for your particular business, but today we found a cool chart that really summarizes nicely. Enjoy.
We’ve written plenty in the past about choice of entities and which ones might make sense for your particular business, but today we found a cool chart that really summarizes nicely.
Q: We’ve developed a web-based security product whose primary application was intended for the financial industry. Since inception we’ve since began pursuing two other business lines, also based on the software, that can be considered conceptually different from the product we initially brought to market. We’re debating whether we should pursue these product lines under […]
Question: What preferences do venture capitalists have for different possible states of incorporation? (Jason) Most venture capitalists have 3 preferred states: Delaware, whatever state the company is in and whatever state(s) the VCs are located in. I’ll spare you the longwinded legal answer (I actually had a class in law school that was all about […]
Every once in a while we get a question that isn’t in our specific realm of knowledge. Yesterday we got a question about a new restaurant concept. While VCs sometimes invest their personal money in restaurants, we don’t do these types of deals out of our funds. Being the “full service blog” that we are, […]
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